MGPN was established in 2018 as a project under the Western States Regional Genetics Network to increase access to genetic services for communities of color by addressing the limited racial and ethnic diversity among medical genetic professionals. Building a more diverse workforce in clinical genetics is a critical step in moving toward healthcare equity and leads to increased access to genetic services for racial and ethnic minority communities. MGPN supports diverse students to explore and enter training programs for genetics professions. MGPN serves as an organized space where racially and ethnically diverse genetic professionals and students can connect and have support to become leaders in their professions.
For Students and Trainees
For Practicing Professionals
MGPN Mentoring Program
The MGPN mentoring program benefits both mentees and their mentors. Career mentoring helps mentees to expand their networks, gain new knowledge and insights, and build new skills. Mentors gain leadership experience and personal growth by helping others in the field. Mentorships can last over a period of several months or they may be a one-time flash mentorship on a specific topic.