Confirm new password
Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).
This is not visible to other members unless you change the visibility in your profile after activating your registration. Please note that the email system at Emory University blocks our blast emails.
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Please select all that apply.
This question is not mandatory. If you choose to answer, you may select all that apply.
This question is not mandatory.
This question is not mandatory. If you choose to answer, you may list all disabilities that apply to you.
This question is not mandatory. If you choose to answer, you many select all that apply.
If you speak any non-English language that is not listed above, please enter it here.
Select all languages you are willing to counsel in
If you are willing to counsel in another non-English language that is not listed above, please enter it here.
This question is not mandatory. If you are of a different generation of immigration on different sides of your family, you may select more than one option.
How would you describe your identity in your own words?
If you would like to connect to other members over social media, please enter your contact info below. MGPN is available on Twitter @minoritygenetic, IG @minoritygenetics, and FB @minoritygenetic
Completion of genetic counseling program, genetics fellowship, or nursing school. If you are still in training, please check your anticipated year of completion. If you are an undergraduate or high school student, please check N/A at this time.
If you are not sure, you may select more than one year.
As with all fields in this form, you can customize the visibility of this information. The default setting is that it is only visible to the member entering information, but site administrators can see your responses for the purpose of matching mentoring pairs.
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